It seems like some 4D plugins have stopped working since yesterday, possibly because of codesign
So far, the list includes:
- 4d-plugin-4d-for-oracle
- 4d-plugin-address-book
- 4d-plugin-apple-file-promises
- 4d-plugin-apple-window-title-bar
- 4d-plugin-bookmark-manager
- 4d-plugin-curl-ftp
- 4d-plugin-curl-http
- 4d-plugin-curl-v2
- 4d-plugin-custom-window
- 4d-plugin-float
- 4d-plugin-jwt
- 4d-plugin-mecab-v2
- 4d-plugin-notes
- 4d-plugin-prevent-app-nap
- 4d-plugin-purge
- 4d-plugin-tesseract-v2
- 4d-plugin-text-convert
- 4d-plugin-text-input-service
- 4d-plugin-virtual-key
- 4d-plugin-xslt
- 4d-plugin-zip
I think the cause of the problem might have been that the certificates were revoked (by me), since expired certificates are not supposed to prevent code execution.