Notarization after 3rd February 2020


Update on app notarisation, following rules changes starting 3rd February 2020.


Apple has announce that starting this month, all submitted software must meet the original notarisation prerequisites. The original prerequisites include rules such as:

  • The app must have the Hardened Runtime capability enabled
  • Its components should be signed with the same Developer ID as the app
  • Its code-signing signature must include a secure timestamp
  • The app must be built with an SDK newer than 10.9
  • The app should not include the entitlement set to any variation of true

New reality for 4D v17

"issues": [
    "severity": "error",
    "code": null,
    "path": "4D.dmg/ InternetCommands.bundle/Contents/MacOS/4D InternetCommands",
    "message": "The binary uses an SDK older than the 10.9 SDK.",
    "docUrl": null,
    "architecture": "i386"

Workaround: remove 4D Internet Commands or replace it with a version that uses 10.9 SDK or newer.

  • Nothing to do for PHP (i386).

New reality for 4D Server v17

  • Nothing to do (no plugins are installed by default, notarization is successful).

New reality for 4D Volume Desktop v17 R6

"issues": [
    "severity": "error",
    "code": null,
    "path": "TEST.dmg/",
    "message": "The binary uses an SDK older than the 10.9 SDK.",
    "docUrl": null,
    "architecture": "x86_64"

Workaround: remove the php folder if you don’t need it.

New reality for 4D v17 R6

  • 4D Mobile frameworks (zipped) block notarization.

  • php-fcgi-4d uses an SDK older than the 10.9 SDK.

Workaround: unarchive the 3 zip files (1.0, TRMosaicLayout, AnimatedCollectionViewLayout), sign frameworks and debug symbols, zip to original location.